About Us
Well Care
We provide well care from birth through age 21 years. Many parents view well-child visits as a time for scheduled vaccinations and to see how much your child or teen has grown. Well-child visits are also an excellent opportunity to evaluate your child’s development, behavior and general well-being. Follow your child's early developmental milestones with resources from the CDC: Learn the Signs. Act Early
Vaccines are an important key in maintaining your child's health and are safe and effective. We follow the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccine schedule. We want parents to be comfortable with the care their child is receiving and are happy to discuss any questions. You can find more information about vaccines in our parent resource section.
We are happy to fill out school or sports participation forms during well-child visits and have them available in our office or with our other forms. The parent/athlete section of the sports forms must be completed before we can fill in the doctor's section.

Newborn Care
Congratulations! We are excited to meet the newest member of your family. We have great relationships with all of the area hospitalists. The hospitalist will see your baby shortly after birth and will take care of them until they are discharged. They will also help you schedule your first appointment in our office. This is usually 24-48 hours after discharge. It is helpful to bring any paperwork from the hospital to your first visit.
We are also happy to arrange for a prenatal visit so as expecting parents, you can get to know our pediatricians and our office staff before the birth of your baby.
Infant Development in the First Year of Life

Vaccines are an important key in maintaining your child's health and are safe and effective. We follow the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccine schedule. Vaccines are safe and effective and save lives. Below are some excellent evidence-based resources:
The AAP Vaccine and Well Visit Schedule
Vaccine Information Sheets (VIS) from the CDC
From Immunize.org: Protect Your Child and Family from Life Threatening Diseases
Vaccine Safety: Get the Facts from the AAP
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Vaccine Education Center
More resources under Vaccinations and Immunizations
If Your Child is Sick
Drs. Evans, Eric Bornemann CPNP, and their staff are prepared to diagnose and treat common pediatric medical illnesses and injuries. They also have extensive experience caring for children with complex health needs like: asthma, premature infants and former preemies, autism, developmental or chromosomal abnormalities, cerebral palsy, multiple medical problems, or ADHD. Our office can help parents coordinate care plans with their sub-specialists as well and provide a medical home for children with complex medical needs. It is important to have regular follow-up visits at Sewanee Pediatrics to help manage chronic illness and ensure optimal health for your child.

Developmental, Behavioral, and Mental Health Care
Childhood should be a carefree time in life but many children and teens struggle with mental health conditions. We are here to help! We have extensive training and experience evaluating and treating behavioral concerns and mental health conditions such as ADD, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, and Sleep Disorders. We strive to help improve the quality of life for children and teens and their families.

Comprehensive Care
As part of our commitment to provide the best pediatric care, we offer a wide range of additional services. These services, available to all patients, are part of our comprehensive pediatric care. They include:
Breastfeeding Management - We have training in supporting breastfeeding and have a breast-feeding friendly office.
Reach Out and Read - We support families and children as they learn to be life long learners by giving a book at every well check up from the ages of 6 months to 5 years old.
ADHD and Behavioral Evaluations and Management - We can evaluate and help with behavioral and learning concerns. We have extensive experience with a wide range of ADHD treatments including stimulant and non-stimulant medications and complementary therapies.
Adolescent Gynecology - we manage many adolescent gynecologic concerns including birth control. We have extra training in placing LARC (Long Acting Reversible Contraception.)
Sports and Camp Physicals
Pre-operative Physicals
Hearing Screens or otoacoustic emissions test – a test that measures sound waves produced in the inner ear. A tiny probe is placed just inside the ear canal, which then measures the response when clicks or tones are played into a child’s ear. This test may be used with children as young as newborns as it does not require the child's cooperation.
Pediavision Spot Vision Screening - In seconds, Spot provides a comprehensive, reliable screening for near-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism, strabismus or eye misalignment, and pupil size deviations. The Spot can be used in infants as well as adolescents.
In-house labs – these labs include urine testing, blood testing and testing for infections such as flu, RSV, strep and COVID. For our patient’s convenience, we’ve partnered with several labs to provide more comprehensive testing. Specimen collection is done at our facility by our experienced staff, shipped to the lab, and results are faxed back to our office. This service eliminates the need to go to a testing center.
Oral Rehydration Therapy, Laceration Repair, Foreign Body Removal and other treatments for acute illness.
Blood Testing for Allergies and Immunotherapy - We work closely with area Allergists to co-manage year round, seasonal and food allergies.
STAT-MD testing - Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children.
Inpatient Hospital Care - We are affiliated with Southern Tennessee Regional Health System in Sewanee and in Winchester. If your infant, child, or teen needs to be hospitalized we will arrange for the most appropriate care at our local hospital or at Erlanger's Children's Hospital or Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
Selected types of appointments are available through our telehealth platform! You can contact us using a computer or smartphone without leaving home. Please call us to schedule a telehealth appointment.
When necessary, our providers will refer your child to pediatric specialists. If you are 18 years or old, we will refer you to specialists who see adults. Please ask the specialist to send their report back to us so we can help ensure the best care for you or your child. If you have not heard back about a referral within 1-2 weeks, please call our referral department at Southern Tennessee Regional Health System - Winchester at 931 967-0081.